Day Five: Friday May 6th
Wow so much going on it's hard to stop and breath and write.
Approving website changes, putting together technical info for the Rivoli and other dates, coordinating between PR lady Sue McCallum and venues, making sure the Facebook events page is built before we announce tour dates etc. It's a kooky kind of fun but it's also jam packed and all time specific.
I have found myself in a kind of a round the clock frenzy. (Actually haven't been able to make the gym much grrrrr). But because of the experts on the team (like ROO! Big Shout Out to Dale Speaking "Online Marketing Dood"!) we are now entering the world of online promotion with a lot of new ideas and a powerful locomotive engine driven by creativity and playfulness!
My online team at Dale Speaking and home skillet web mistress Lulu have been working around the clock to prepare the Micah Barnes world for The "Domesticated" Tour. It's been a huge job and I'm frankly really looking forward to how people respond to the new look and feel of all the sites. Twitter, Myspace, You Tube, Facebook and the home website… all updated to reflect the new disc and 8 city tour. Talk to me people are we looking ready for action? LOL
This week I also had the opportunity to see a whole batch of live acts at a big fundraiser for the Stephan Lewis Foundation, reminding me of just what this whole machinery is all FOR. Bringing the music to the people! Performers like old pals Holly Cole and Lorraine Segato and Ka'nan performed in support of the foundations work around Aids in Africa.. along with Rufus Wainwright, Alicia Keys and Angelique Kudjo. Inspirational indeed. I actually got to meet the legendary Harry Belafonte who co-hosted! Wow. Still a handsome devil too. Hows he doing that?
The biggest inspiration for me that evening came from Angelique who tore the stage up as only she can. Do not miss this powerhouse if you have a chance to feel her voodoo live. Rufus and Alicia, although both brilliant incredible songwriters proved to me that they are both best experienced as recording artists.
So..What is it that makes a performer truly great? Been doing some thinking about this.
A willingness to be fearless and completely honest with their audience seems essential. A confidence that they truly have a gift to give and a desire to move people at a core level is important too….
Will I achieve this on the "Domesticated" tour? Hmmmmm. I keep visualizing the venues filed with people, my heart open to give… as the lyrics and melodies and grooves wash over the crowd……
Rehearsals with Daniel went great this week as we locked down the arrangement details on the new material we're presenting during this tour before starting sessions with bassist Jon Maharaj who joins us next week.
The shows are built to present the songs from the new disc "Domesticated" along with some old chestnuts from the world of Jazz and Blues and Soul. I wanted people to get a sense of the entire musical world I live in during this show… and also have a chance to perform some special songs I've wanted to sing for a long time.
Hence, although I am shy to give away the titles, we have material by Smokey Robinson, Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye, Cole Porter, Peggy Lee, Laura Nyro, The Drifters, The Supremes, Lee Dorsey, Allan Toussaint, The Originals, etc on deck….as well as a few Nylons chestnuts of course!
There will indeed, be something for everyone. We're jokingly calling it the "Keep The People Happy" tour.
Ok this is the million dollar question. If there was one song you'd like to hear us perform on this tour what would it be?