Day One. May 2nd. 2011
I've decided to take you guys on this journey with me as we prepare for the spring tour dates, both so you can have a peek at the process behind the scenes, and also so we can feel a little closer to the folks we are doing this all for…YOU, our peeps!
This past weekend I was still recovering from a week in NYC and literally couldn't get off the couch. Glued to my Michael Connelly crime novel (they are like crack aren't they?) and just managing to do what litle socializing I had already booked.
I actually was awoken in the middle of the night by a combination of Obama's announcement about Bin Laden on the radio and the panic in my head thinking through everything we have to accomplish this month before we kick things off. A little meditation calmed me down and let me sleep the rest of the night. -phew-
The day today started with a little chat with my romantic partnering NYC who is on Broadway (The Tony's are being announced tomorrow, so exciting!), before
rehearsal with my collaborator and bandleader brother, drummer and vocalist Daniel Barnes. Daniel and I warmed our voices up (he has become an excellent BG singer which is a LOT harder than it looks I might add) and we reviewed existing arrangements on the "Domesticated" CD before jumping into a new tune which we are preparing especially for this tour. Danielis always joking that all I bring to the table are ballads but for once I found a rousing rocking tune that will satisfy some of you Nylons fans as well as those people who love a good old fashioned soul rave up. Bet you can't guess which tune it is people! huh? huh?
Then I came home from Liberty Village where Dan's studio is to my own Queen Street apt and brainstormed an idea with Sue McCallum our publicist over the phone. Sue and I agree, she is actually well within my "audience demographic" so when we are talking through potential pitches to media etc I know she has a good handle on whether an approach will work or not. The key thing is she gets the music, which is a good thing, cause we have to fill seats for 8 shows! Tickets for London's show at The London Music Club went on sale today yahoo!
Then after some more e mail business pertaining to tomorrow mornings meeting with my online team Roo and April over at Dale Speaking I headed off to my local Y to follow through on my commitment to make my body as strong and as in shape as possible.
Performing is a physical act and the more in fit I am the more energy I feel I have left for the performance, (not to mention the traveling and the hauling gear and the missed sleep etc.) Thats one thing I learned early in the business. A good show is dependent on good rest, a peaceful unstressed out approach and being in the best physical shape possible. Thank goodness I paid attention while I was being trained this past year because now is the time when it all pays off.
Ones mental attitude changes when you are working out as well. I feel like I have the energy to do anything…which is a good place to be facing the mountain in front of us!
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