All those years of singing classic pop material in The Nylons gave me a real thirst to talk about my own experience as a solo artist. After some years experimenting and stretching myself combining spoken word and electronic oriented music I finally bought an old acoustic piano and put it in my Venice Beach apt.so that I could get back to creating music the old fashioned way. In time I found that my own songs worked best for the listener when they emerged from deep inner world that I had no way to communicate other than in song. You know,the messy unworked out stuff that is hard to name.
AFTER YOU "I took this ugly room with the parking lot view, so I could small the cheap perfume of lonelyness my love"
Working with producer Clint Yeager who comes from a rock n roll background meant taking a risk. Clint pushed me until I was raw. Both as a songwriter and as a recording artist. He said he wanted the audience at home to hear blood on the piano. LOL. You be the judge.
The first song "After You" on my piano and voice disc is written as a communication to an ex-lover, detailing just how bad things have gotten after the break up. Guys tend to hole up inside and wallow and this song is a kind of celebration of that particular state.
Although "After You" was the last tune written for the disc "Micah Barnes", producer Clint Yeager really felt that it defined the overall mood and would work as a good introduction to this particular journey and landscape....http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/micah-barnes/id324429103
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