The unholy marriage of rock n roll and cabaret has always attracted me. This second track from the "Micah Barnes" disc tells the story of my touring the previous disc "Loud Boy Radio" across America. (We called it the "couch and cuddle" tour) :) The glitter and glam influence of the LoudBoy rock n roll experience can be felt in the lyric and edgy vocal even though it's performed on voice and piano. From the safe vantage point of the present day I sound like I am out of my mind. Hmmmm. Maybe I was.
Long Drives. Ugly Hotel Room. Bad Food. Medication for the Blues.Filthy Dressing Rooms.
We musicians are lucky to get to make a life of music but we pay the price for the lifestyle. The road can be a depressing experience that makes you feel unhooked from the world and desperate to put your feet on the ground. This song Trash Circus was written to capture both the allure of the road and also some of the sadness and pain I've experienced out there feeling lost and desperate.
I stared writing Trash Circus as spoken word sketches for a about a year and finished it off as a song in Vegas while working on the track "Good Soldier" for LA based rapper Deadlee's disc. His label had a whole bunch of us staying up at a hotel on the strip while we recorded our parts and there was lots of waiting around so I kept working on Trash Circus while I viewed the decadence of Vegas from behind the Neon sign outside my window. Perfect.
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